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See photos of Mitchell Brothers Log Homes at work on current log home construction projects.
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Mitchell Brothers Log Homes and TMC Builders are here to help you every step of the way. Whether you are building a beautiful Timberhaven Log Home or the quality custom home of your dreams. Don't wait, make your dream home a reality now.
Mitchell Brothers Log Homes is an authorized representative of Timberhaven Log Homes.
Start Your Log Home Experience Today, Phone: 765-258-3109 or Email: mitchellbros@geetel.net
To help you find the right house plan browse through our log home plans. We can build them as they are, customize them to fit your needs or create a completely unique log home plan for your dream home.
Mitchell Brothers Log Homes has been constructing quality log homes for many satisfied customers for over 25 years. We are currently collecting testimonials for our new website and will be posting them soon. If you are a past customer of Mitchell Brothers Log Homes or TMC Builders and would like to send us your testimonial, contact us.